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Laura and Mark Ogden
Terminal Transfer Race for the Cure
Releasing the Baloon's 2013
Laura's Truck

In Loving Memory of Laura Ogden


In 2013 we lost a wonderful person, the Vice President and “mother” of the Terminal Transfer family, Laura Ogden, to her battle against breast cancer.  To many of us, Laura was not just family but a dear friend. Her legacy of hard work, dedication and perseverance will live long beyond loved ones she left behind. The impact she had on not only Terminal Transfer, but the transportation industry will never be forgotten. Many of us here have learned much of what we know from her and will continue to shine as she did, setting a high bar for the industry. The foundation she laid for us will allow us to continue to sustain and grow Terminal Transfer into the vision she had in mind.  


Because of this, Terminal Transfer will be doing our part to support the fight against breast cancer! We now have a truck which we have dedicated to the memory of Laura, and the support of finding a cure. Truck# 54 is part our our regular fleet making its rounds to random customers,


Keep an eye out for our pink truck in Laura's memory.

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